How Much Do You Know About Fertility?

Obie Editorial Team

How Much Do You Know About Fertility?
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Test your fertility knowledge!

How much do you know about getting pregnant? Learn how eating, drinking, and smoking impact your fertility, how weight, STD’s, birth control and medications affect your ability to get pregnant, when your fertility really declines, and so much more!

Optimize your reproductive heath first

The most important thing to do when you are trying to get pregnant is to get in as good physical health as possible. This will set you on a clear path to getting pregnant more easily and having a safer and more enjoyable pregnancy. With that in mind, there are so many lifestyle and environmental factors that can affect your fertility. Many people have their own individual idea of what is safe or not safe while trying to conceive, but they are not all rooted in medical science. The truth is that what you put into your body and how you treat your body has a direct impact on your fertility. Good fertility is usually a sign of good health.

Caffeine and fertility

Did you know that the effect of caffeine on pregnancy is one of the most researched subjects? Several studies in humans have associated increased caffeine use of more than 300 mg of caffeine a day with a decrease in fertility and an increase in the incidence of miscarriage or low birth weight babies. This is just about 2-3 cups of caffeinated drinks a day.

Does smoking impact fertility?

It's not widely known that smoking has negative impacts on both male and female fertility. Studies have shown that smoking ten or more cigarettes per day has a negative effect on egg production. And in men cigarette smoke constricts blood vessels which in turn negatively affects sperm by altering oxygen consumption and nutrient intake. In addition, many pregnant moms who smoke continue to smoke after the baby is born. When babies are around cigarette smoke, even on mom's skin and clothing, they are at increased risk of lung-related illnesses like asthma and bronchitis. 

Alcohol and getting pregnant

Did you know that alcohol affects your hormones? Drinking alcohol lowers estrogen levels, which can interfere with ovulation. In addition, it can increase the risk of having a miscarriage and fetal malformations. Also, no amount of alcohol is safe during pregnancy so when you're trying to conceive, your best bet is to stop drinking so when you do get pregnant, your system will be alcohol-free and prime for pregnancy. 

Fertility problems can happen from Dad's drinking, too

Believe it or not, there is increasing evidence that heavy alcohol use by men can lower the level of the male hormone testosterone. Lower levels of testosterone can lead to low sperm counts, which, in turn, can lead to infertility. If you’re trying to conceive, it’s best for you and your partner to stop drinking alcohol so both of you optimize reproductive health.

How age ads up when it comes to fertility

Most of us know that your fertility isn’t as strong as you age, but do you know at what age your fertility starts to decline? It may be much earlier than you might think.

Trying to conceive after being on birth control

Ovulation is the prime time for conception, but did you know that when you take the pill, you don’t ovulate? So, once you stop taking the pill, your body may take some time to return to normal ovulation and menstrual cycles. Sometimes that happens within 2 weeks, other times it may take 1-2 months. For some, getting pregnant after birth control, such as the pill, is as easy as stopping the medication and trying to get pregnant. For others, however, getting pregnant may take more effort.

Want personalized fertility and pregnancy guidance? Our new app Obie takes the guesswork out of getting pregnant. Download the app.