39 Weeks Pregnant

Pregnancy Week by Week

Obie Editorial Team

Your baby, your body, your partner and the prenatal visit, plus tips for the 39th week of pregnancy.

Your baby

Good things come to those who wait! If you are pregnant with multiples, babies not born last week will probably be here this week. Many doctors prefer delivering twins before the 40th week.

And if you are scheduled for a cesarean section, either because you previously had a cesarean section or for other reasons, chances are that it will be done in the 39th week or later.

If you are expecting a single baby, there is no time like the present to sleep. The fetus is finished growing and the lungs are the only organ still developing. Fat continues to store under the skin.

Your body

As the final days of pregnancy become a reality, the lightening process (dropping of uterine weight) can leave you feeling off-balance and clumsy in week 39. Using a cane can make the transition a bit safer. The uterus drops into the birth canal to help start the labor process. When pressure is placed on the cervix, signals are passed to the brain that the baby is ready. This triggers the release of hormones that ripen the cervix.

Water intake should remain high for the remaining two weeks of pregnancy. Activity is not really restricted, per se, but high impact aerobics and running are not the best choices in exercise. However, yoga, stretching, and pregnancy massage is perfect during week 39.

Travel is prohibited at this point in the pregnancy, so if you forgot to see friends and family members before now — they will just have to wait.

At the prenatal visit

Let your doctor or midwife know about any changes you may be experiencing such as cramping, new pains, or edema. Keep watching for signs of labor. Let the doctor know if you are just not feeling like yourself and are unusually sluggish or exhausted. Open communication between you and your provider is invaluable, even if just to allay fears and concerns.

Take some time during the visit to ask about what situations would warrant a phone call and what is the best way to get in touch with the doctor/midwife during off-hours. Every little piece of mind helps.

Your partner

Life is about to change, and in the coming weeks, you may feel you are losing your mind to sleep deprivation. The first days after the baby is born, are busy so make sure you are prepared. Fixing dinners and freezing them ahead of time is a great option for those long days and nights. Asking friends and family to watch other children or pets is another fantastic choice.

Tips for this week

Everything a pregnant woman is supposed to do – you have already done! The pregnancy is in the last two weeks and even walking feels like work. Fluid is collecting in hands, feet, ankles, legs, and face. That pregnancy glow turned into a pregnancy mask is no longer flirty and warming. Excess weight has the back feeling like is bowing out of control and fatigue is the most overpowering feeling on earth, but you're in the home stretch now!