28 Weeks Pregnant

Your Baby

Welcome to your 3rd trimester! The 28th week of gestation is the start of the 7th month and the third trimester. Your baby is growing by leaps and bounds and has a 90% chance of survival is born during this week. The lungs can breathe air, though some development is still needed to fully function properly outside the womb. Body fat increases to 2-3% this week. The fetus can weigh more than two pounds by the end of the week. Women pregnant with multiples will typically have smaller babies at birth. This does not mean development takes place at a slower rate. Multiples born in the 28th week also have a 90% chance of survival.

Your Body

The third trimester changes the way a pregnant woman looks at being pregnant. Leg cramps, fluid retention, fatigue, and pains are all common from this week until the end of gestation. Multiple pregnancies may leave the female feeling heavier than she ever thought possible. With two babies in utero, symptoms tend to be more aggressive, but there are only 10 weeks to go until the end of the pregnancy for most women pregnant with multiples.

Starting in the 28th week, prenatal appointments are scheduled every two weeks. Mothers who are Rh negative will have a RhoGam shot during the 28th week. RhoGam is given to prevent any blood-related complications at birth. A second shot of RhoGam will be given after baby is born. Prenatal appointments from now until labor will include urine screenings. Urine is tested for glucose, protein, and infection. The doctors and nurses will also look for signs of preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, and placenta previa.


The third trimester is very hard on mom, so dad needs to keep that in mind when planning outings and get-togethers. Even though there are about three months left until the fetus is born, pregnant women tend to gain more weight, feel more pain and suffer from more fatigue during the third trimester. Attending the ultrasound is important at this stage because the fetus will have a face that looks 100% human at this point in the pregnancy.

Tips For This Week

The second trimester was a breeze – the third trimester changes all that. Despite feeling heavy and tired, some pregnant moms choose to travel at this stage of the pregnancy. Travel is often okay, but talking to the attending doctor first is a priority. Approval for travel will often depend upon the status of the pregnancy and any complications the woman may be experiencing.