Early Pregnancy Test (EPT)

What is an early pregnancy test?

An early pregnancy test (EPT) is the name for a pregnancy test that is taken before a missed period, as well as a brand of pregnancy tests on the market. You can do a pregnancy test as early as you want, but don't expect it to be positive even if you are pregnant. The #1 reason for a false negative home pregnancy test (HPT) is testing too early. Testing before a missed period can often give you a "false negative" pregnancy test, a pregnancy test that's negative when in fact you are pregnant. That's why most doctors recommend doing a pregnancy test only after you miss your period so you won't be confused by a negative test.

Even if you are pregnant, a home pregnancy test (HPT) done 1-2 days before a missed period is positive in only 1 in 2 pregnant women; on the day of a missed period 1 in 4 women will also have a negative pregnancy test. Doctors recommend that you wait until you have missed a period to take a home pregnancy test. If you cannot wait that long to find out and you know the day you may have conceived, then the earliest you can take a test would be 14 days from possible conception. Home tests are usually 97% accurate when all instructions are followed correctly and the results are read on time. Some kits come with two tests so in case you made a mistake, you may take the home pregnancy test again, preferably at a later date and with the first morning's urine.